Some may recall, back couple months ago I was looking for 4x16 front rims for my Farmall 130, or at least lugs that could be welded or rivited in. Some of you recomended I go to Miller Tire. That exercise did not work. Miller's have lugs for 15" and 16" wheels, however the type for 16" wheels are for 300 or 400 type tractors. The cast hub on the 130, 230, etc is smaller than those used on 300, 400, etc. The smaller tractors also use a 1/2" bolt, big tractors use 5/8" boltsIn the end, I used donut rims from rear wheel drive Olds. I ground the centers out of those rims. I got welding shop to roll a ring 1/2" thick and 1-1/2" wide, welded that inside the rim and then mounted the lugs on that. I had been looking for 4x16 replacment rims close to 4 years. It was down to, buy new 15" tires or find rims. They were an option on 130 and 230 back when new. I now have 12.4x24 on rear and 6.00x16 on front, perfect match. On my shop floor the tractor sits level. Those tires make qiite a mean looking machine out of a 130.