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330 name contest

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Nebraska Cowman

05-26-2005 17:08:03

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NO NO No, we can't call it "yellow belly" that sounds like a chicken and on has to be brave to dress in yellow.
Maybe "Yellow Boy" or my fav "Golden Boy"
maybe "The Hornet" or
Any good ideas? Lets take a vote. All decissions by the Cowman will be final (subject to change of course)

third party image

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05-27-2005 15:11:13

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
I'm all for the superbee but it just wouldn't be right without a six-pack 383 and a shaker hood.

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05-27-2005 15:59:51

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to scot_c, 05-27-2005 15:11:13  
...and bumblebee stripes over its tail and hood pins....

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05-29-2005 18:49:54

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to PAULIH300, 05-27-2005 15:59:51  
I wonder how that would look. I have a chance to buy a slant 6 valiant been parked since 87, short on cash but very tempting though it would still have to sit for a while.

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05-27-2005 14:43:23

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
"John Deere Wannabe" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha "Trying to be the best: JD"


ya...i like farmall and john deere...but it is fun to joke around

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Jay (ND)

05-27-2005 14:22:34

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
I vote for "Tommy"

Ev’ryone considered him the coward of the county.
He’d never stood one single time to prove the county wrong.
His mama named him Tommy, the folks just called him yellow,
But something always told me they were reading Tommy wrong.

Kenny Rogers
Coward of the County

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farmallkid From Ont,

05-27-2005 12:44:36

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
Lots of good names Now i will cast my vote.

I vote to have it named "County Binder". Cause it"s painted like a county tractor, and ih is nown as binder. But it wouldn"t hurt me if you chose old yeller!

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John A.

05-27-2005 11:32:56

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
Cowman, My College pickup was a 66 chevy , painted 76 Corvette Yellow. (Your yellow is real close to that). I called Her "Myrtle May"
So I submit that name for your 330.
John A.

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Pale Rider

05-27-2005 08:34:08

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
While I have girl names for my tractors, at work we sometimes have items dealing with color, for which I have names for all of them. In a case such as yours I always go with Old Yeller. A name which catches on surprisingly well and often brings a smile to peoples faces.

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05-27-2005 07:45:00

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
My SA is painted the same color and the guy that painted it for me is calling it Butter Cup! So now there are about 10 people calling it that.
They are calling my F-20 the Big Ugly.I think it has personality!

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Jimmy King

05-27-2005 06:22:57

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
When we had one I had several names for it, none of which I Can call on here.

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05-27-2005 03:09:10

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  

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05-26-2005 20:15:43

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  

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Van in AR

05-26-2005 19:50:06

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
Call it "electric bannana" or eye-sore. Hurts my eyes to look at it without sunglasses.

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Van in AR

05-26-2005 22:07:07

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Van in AR, 05-26-2005 19:50:06  
Pretty bad I have nothing to do tonight and keep thinking of names for a yella tractor. How about "Yellow Fever"

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05-26-2005 19:16:41

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
Nice Tractor..Don't see Rear Hyd cylinder stop rod. Does anybody no where to buy these?

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05-26-2005 19:12:12

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
I kinda like the name: "Yellowhand". You can connect it to the Buffalo Bill Cody history from 1876, or Roy Orbison's song from 1964. Either way, it would pay tribute to a legend.
(Or on second thought, it might just simply be connected to those yellow chore gloves that are always working!)
Regardless, you're going to have a nice looking unit.

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Nebraska Cowman

05-26-2005 19:16:49

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Rauville, 05-26-2005 19:12:12  
Buffalo Bill? Yellowhand? I want to know more. I live in the land of Buffalo Bill.

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05-27-2005 07:15:02

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 19:16:49  
That suggestion was somewhat tongue in cheek. When I saw your photo, it looked like somebody had scalped the lil' tractor...the same thing that history claims Cody did to Yellowhand. Charlie Russell even did a painting of that encounter.

(Here's the story, if you are interested.)

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Nebraska Cowman

05-26-2005 19:03:12

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 new mascott in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
third party image

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05-26-2005 19:20:46

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 Re: new mascott in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 19:03:12  
I like that.

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05-26-2005 18:42:00

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  

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05-26-2005 18:38:55

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
Rising Sun
Golden Gopher
Pineapple Summer Squash
Jaundiced Jalopy
Couger Crap
Kubota Killer
Dances with Cows
Homely on the Range

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Perry County Farmalls

05-27-2005 15:38:29

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Wardner, 05-26-2005 18:38:55  
ok...i like dances with cows

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Perry County Farmalls

05-26-2005 18:32:03

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
are you sure that is not prairie gold? as in moline.. sorry, had to say it...mello-yellow

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05-26-2005 18:22:12

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
Yellow peril, Pizzen Match? Not Quite Ripe, your John..dice (jaundice), Bannana Planta.

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05-26-2005 17:56:20

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
Lemon Venom..

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Allan in NE

05-26-2005 17:32:15

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  

When you decide to go after one, you don't mess around! Lookin' good! :>)

How's 'bout Ol' Yeller, like the movie?


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05-27-2005 04:34:38

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Allan in NE, 05-26-2005 17:32:15  
Nope, ol' yeller is already taken. That's what I call my yellow 1940 M.

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Ernie Bob

05-26-2005 22:41:00

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Allan in NE, 05-26-2005 17:32:15  
I'm with Allen, I was thinking "Ole Yeller" from the movie before I got down this far on the posts. Named after a faithful companion. It sure is bright!

Ernie Bob

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Dick Davis

05-27-2005 04:19:14

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Ernie Bob, 05-26-2005 22:41:00  
Na, you can't say Ole Yeller because that paint job is way to be bright to be old anything. I agree it is painfully bright which I think is why Allan chose it. You know fellows his memory taint what it use to be, I think he has painted it like this so he can find where he left it, even in the dark! You watch he will paint the wheels Hunter Orange to complete the ensemble! Kinda sad ain't it? My nickel Dick Davis

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05-26-2005 17:28:55

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  

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Robert in NC

05-26-2005 17:17:57

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-26-2005 17:08:03  
the yellafella?

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Delbert from Lincoln

05-26-2005 17:39:06

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Robert in NC, 05-26-2005 17:17:57  
Howard I'm for old yeller

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05-26-2005 18:14:55

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Delbert from Lincoln, 05-26-2005 17:39:06  
The big banana hahahaha

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05-26-2005 20:08:14

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to Dave, 05-26-2005 18:14:55  
SUNNY, as opposed to Sonny.

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05-27-2005 07:42:25

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 Re: 330 name contest in reply to kfox, 05-26-2005 20:08:14  
Gold Finch
It is the exact color
It is easy to manuver
light on the ground
sips fuel gently
and just seeing one brightens the day

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