You figured right Pat - rusting over the winter has caused the friction disk to stick to the flywheel/pressure plate. It's a common problem here in cold, damp upstate NY too. If the clutch linkage needs adjustment, do it now to make sure the clutch is releasing fully (about 1" of free play measured at the clutch pedal) Then do like Sloroll says - rock the tractor back and forth with the clutch pedal fully depressed (works best with the transmission in 5th...) If that doesn't work a few other things that have worked for me: 1 - Block the rear tires agains forward movenent. Then with the transmission in 5th and the ignition OFF, stand on the clutch and "bump" the starter a few times. 2 - If you have another tractor, pull your tractor alternately forward and backward a few feet at a time, again with the ignition OFF, the transmission in 5th and the clutch fully depressed. Last resort: 3 - If you have a flat, traffic-free driveway, push start the tractor in 5th gear. (Or use the starter to start it in low, then "float" shift thru the gear to 5th - I'll explain further if necessary...) Then open the throttle wide while standing on the brakes. The clutch should break free. But BE CAREFUL if you use #3! You need plenty of room, no traffic and good brakes to do this safely! Good luck!