Paul in Mich
06-06-2005 19:29:58
Re: Farmall A head gasket - advice for a newbie in reply to Butch Heilig, 06-06-2005 18:03:32
Butch, The best place by far to purchase a head gasket is from a Case NH dealer. Also ask for their sealing compound which is a spray. When installing the gasket, spray both sides of the gasket, and set it in place making sure you have it right side up. Then, very gently lower the head over the studs and onto the gasket. Allowing the head to drop onto the new gasket will in most cases crush the sealing qualities of the gasket. Next, install the head nuts finger tight, and then starting in the middle begin to tighten each nut and work back and forth toward the outside nuts. First torque each nut to 50 lbs, then repeat the torquing process adding 5 lbs each increment, until all are torqued to 80 lbs. (this is with the Case IH gasket replacement, gaskets from other sources may require different maximum torque specss). Go around each nut 3 or 4 times at the final torque setting. After you are satisfied that you have torqued the head properly, then reinstall the rocker arm assembly. (Assuming that you removed the rocker arm assembly, dont try replacing the head with the rocker arm assembly intact, as you will not get an accurate torque value on the nuts directly under the shaft) Once the rocker arm assembly is in place, establish TDC with #1 cylinder in the compression position. Both !1 and #4 cylinders will be up, and #2, and #3 will be down. Your magneto rotor should be positioned at the #1 position which is, looking from back to front, at 2:00. Once the rocker arm assembly installed, and TDC is verified, you should be able to wiggle, from front to back, #1, 2, 3, and 5 rocker arms. Adjust those arms to .014 clearance. Next, rotate the engine 360 degrees to the TDC mark which will put #4 and #1 piston in the up position once again, but this time, #4 is in compression position. Now you can adjust, from front to back, #4, 6, 7, and 8 to .014. This proceedure allows you to adjust all of the rocker arms in just 2 positions. From here you can install the rest of the components. Good luck.