Allan: What do you mean, you bet he's working for the banks. Either you know or you don't know. I acess these matters on the bottom line and not by what guy has around him. I know two brothers with two articulated tractors, two conventional tractors and two combines. I can tell you these guys are not working for the banks. In fact they don't even need the bank except a place to store money. The machines I listed represent less that 1/4 hp per acre worked on that farm, and yes these guys are your real competition, even though they may be 2,000 miles from you. If your not competing you will be left in the dirt. Now if competition to you is buying tractors to look at rather than use, that's your problem. The practice of buying tractors to look at must have been quite common across North America back in the late 70's 80's. Just look at the numbers of 1970's tractors around with 5,000 to 10,000 hours currently on them . Had those tractors been bought for economic reasons, they would all have 35,000 plus hours on them by now and sitting in the scrap yard. My late Uncle farmed close to 100 acres in the 1950, milked about 20 cows. His only source of tractor power was a Farmall Super A. He raised 9 children and always had time for an active social life. You see old Uncle W was beating that 1/4 hp per acre even in the 1950s. Where are you at, we all know you have 170 hp give or take a bit, with 966, 686 and H. From the crops you are talking add another 100 hp for a combine. As I see it unless you are cropping 1,000 acres you may as well stay right where your currently living and use the tractors for nothing but ornaments.