Kruss: I've owned 16 Farmalls in my day, most of them bought new or near new for use on family farm. Of the 16 at least one of them came from each series letter, super letter, 00, 30-50, 40-60, 06, 56 and 66. Without question the two most efficient tractors of the group were 656 and 560 diesels and not necessarily in that order. I really wouldn't want to rate one above the other. Of those 16 tractors I probably abused the 560 more than any other. It was turned up to 90 hp and worked as 90 hp tractor for 11,000 hours in 17 years. That is the only tractor of the 16 I ever did that with. More hp was needed, and at that time money was not there to trade for more HP. Yes the glow plugs were a bit of a pain. You must remember this was in the pioneer days of direct start diesels. Why not wait for the glow plugs, prior to that time one had to wait for pup start or gas to diesel switch. It was just part of the evolution. Finally, some farmers probably should have stayed with and retired with the horse, ox or mule. The tractor was the beginning of the mechanical age of farming. I watched a next door neighbor go through this, never really worked with the tractor, just fought with it.