I friend of mine and I are trying to get the gasoline engine running on a McCormick Deering WD-9 Diesel Tractor that starts on gas. So far, we have been unable to get it to start on gas. On a warm day, it will start on diesel by cranking it with the starter just as you would crank the gas engine (except with the decompression lever put the diesel operating position). The tractor is designed to start on gas, and after sufficiently warmed up, switched over to diesel via a decompression lever so that the tractor will operate on diesel. As far as operating the gasoline portion, the magneto or internal coil within the magneto was bad and we mounted an external coil next to the magneto and put a starter switch on the tractor because of the high cost of getting the magneto repaired or rebuilt. My friend indicates we are getting spark and thinks that portion of the starting problem is solved. He has taken out the carburetor out and cleaned it and gas is running through it okay. After all that we have done, he thinks the reason that the tractor will not start is because of a faulty carburetor. I have a couple of questions. Are rebuild carburetor kits available for sale for WD-9 Tractors, and if so, where? When the decompression level is put in position to crank the tractor (in the up position) on gasoline I have to hold it in place (with force) as it naturally wants to fall back to the diesel (bottom) position. Should I have to hold the decompression lever in place in the up position with my hand to crank it on gas or should it be spring loaded to remain in the up position without my assistance until I push it downward to convert it to run on diesel? I would appreciate any help anyone could give me. Thanks