While working with my Super C today, the transmission gears started to grind when shifting from neutral into any gear if it had been resting in neutral for a few minutes. The clutch appeared not to be fully releasing when the clutch pedal was fully depressed.I found quite a bit of free play in the pedal. I though I could lengthen the clutch pedal rod by turning the clevis out a few turns. I found that the clevis was adjusted all the way out already. On further investigation I found the bushing in the housing that the clutch release shaft rides in was worn severely and there was movement fore and aft of the clutch shaft as a result. I was thinking I could install a new bushing in the housing to take up some of the slop in the clutch linkage in hopes that it would be enough to allow the clutch to fully disengage. In attempting to remove the clutch release shaft from the tractor I was unable to. The woodruff key in the shaft would not let the shaft slide off. The arm up inside of the housing would hit a stop point before the arm cleared the shaft. Next I attempted to remove the clevis pin from the clutch rod up inside of the housing. No such luck. The pin strikes the side of the housing before it clears the clevis. Next I removed cover from the hand hole up near the front of the housing directly under the clutch to remove the clevis pin from the front of the rod. My thinking was to be able to move the rod far enough forward to be able to remove the rear clevis pin that was secured by the housing on the rear of the rod. There was not enough forward movement of the freed rod to be able to remove the rear pin. On a side note, while I was investigating the front of the housing through the hand hole I could see a spring with a hook end hanging in the area of the throw out bearing. I also did not see anyway to lubricate the throw out bearing. On another SC that I have for parts, I see a rubber tube hanging out of the housing with grease fitting on the end. I can only assume this is for lubricating the bearing. Questions: 1. What is it telling me when I have no more threads on the clutch rod? 2. What is the correct way to get the clutch release lever off of the clutch release shaft? Bushing access needed. 3. Where should the spring I see hanging in the area of the throw out bearing attach? 4. Should I be concerned about the lack of lubrication in the clutch bearing? How to fix it? 5. Do I need to get access to the clutch to see if it is worn to a point to be replaced? 6. If I need to replace the clutch, do I remove the engine from the tractor to access the clutch? Thanks in advance, sorry for the long post, I am new at Farmalls.