07-05-2005 12:37:08
Hey bud, we made it home. Picked up about 350 used steel fence posts at Dad's after we left your place, so it made the trip worth it. For those of you in the dark, last week I posted on the exorbitant prices of steel posts, and the politically correct police jumped on me for some remark I made and they called me a bigot. Well I only got one wife so I know I ain't a bigot and you can't make it stick in Missouri anyway, but just to help you all out, I looked it up in the differenterary and it says a bigot has strong opinions about a certain type of people. Well there you go. That ain't me. I hate everybody. Not just slopes, zipper heads, gooks, towel heads, little sheet heads, camel jockeys, but everybody. So there. Now back to the posts. Slo, after I left you the other day, we went out to Oakland, loaded the posts, and hatted out for home and made it in just great. Gonna take me a week to catch up on all the mail though. See Allan is having another fix-it-up project on his hands. Should have gotten a red one. You just drag them and at the end of the season park them in the fencerow and go again next year. Hehehe. By the way, on the way west from Grinnell I never saw so many small tractor shows, pulls and stationary engine shows about everywhere. Seems like we're catching on all over the place. Git-er-done. Had a great trip, but it sure is good to be back home here in the hills, and anyone who gets a chance to stop up at the 182 mile marker off I-80 in the cornpatch, go north a quarter of a mile, take a left, and give old Sloroll a chat. Super nice fella and got some really neat old F series tractors. Thanks for the visit, Later,, Harley