It is not hard, just time consuming. Do it in steps and protect yourself from bodily harm. Farmalls can be dangerous to work on. They are heavy and cumbersome. Get a repair manual and follow it. Replace EVERY seal you touch and remove and replace the pilot bearing regardless of how it looks or acts. These old tractors were neglected beyond belief. They we used and used and used and still ran. I am totally amazed at the design. My Dad's Farmall is a 1942. We ran it flat out on a Buzz Saw setup for 6 years. That was 15 years ago and I am still using it to put in the boat, pull stumps, pull down trees, pull the leaf wagon and generally pull me around for no reason at all. If you pull the tranny cover..... fix it all or make darn sure everything in there is working right. Put the entire rear of the tractor on jackstands and round up a ton of rags. You may even want to flush out the old tranny oil with diesel full. The black stuff in there now is murder on clothing and will stain your hands for a week. Buy used gears when you can. New gears are outrageously priced. Replace worn gears and the ones they run against. Replace all oil seals everywhere. Be careful not to break stuff. Replacements can be expensive. Remove and regrease the shifter forks, springs, and detent balls in the cover. Only disasemble what needs to be replaced. Do not mess around with stuff that is working in there. You do not need to split the tractor. Be careful with the shims that end up in your hand. Put them back in the same place they came from. They are fragile. First of all...try to identify the problem and then go for it. Have fun!