Hi Micheal, I just bought the same tractor without the fasthitch or engine rebuild. Back tires were 85%. Wheatland fenders. I've been looking for two years for this tractor and engine combo. I wanted the fuel efficency of the D282 as I'm just using it for light loader work. I paid 25% less with knowing I "might" have to put in another $1500 in parts. I have a parts tractor with the fasthitch. I personally would rather pay less and rebuild myself. If your not going to work the tractor hard for the rest of it's life, then I would say it's fair priced for what it has. Even a half-a$$ed rebuild would last a very long time under light loading. If I was going to work it hard then I would load it up and take it to the nearest dyno and IH mechanic and make the tractor prove it's self or plan on another major rebuild latter on if the last one wasn't done correct. Looking for common maintance parts, I just ran into the 3pt mounting plate, about $125 new if I remember correct. Sorry I don't remember which website. For that I'll make one. T_Bone