Jim: Hot is a bit of a relative term, and I must ask, compared to what? Farmall 300 and 400 tractor hydraulic systems ran very hot even back 50 years ago when they were new, especially on loader work or other high demand hydraulic function. If your happened to touch your arm on the lines from pump to controls, it would burn your arm. Have been there and done that one. Here is the problem and solution. These systems have a very low oil capacity, don't remember exactly but 8 to 12 quarts. This works well if your using hitch only or a single implement cylinder in an operation like plowing. The solution is add resovoir. IH dealer added a 5 gallon resovoir to my dad's 300 when had problems on loader work. This is the history of row crop tractors in general, they built loaders for them, but they weren't engineered for it. Don't let this deter you from what Nat has said, excessively hot may also be problem as well. If you wish to try adding resovoir, its quite simple and inexpensive to do.