wolfman: You've taken a fair bit of heat over this. Maybe your a bit like me, I don't know, but I can't get excited about antique tractor shows anymore. there is only so many configurations of a Farmall tractor out there. Having farmed with 16 new or near new Farmalls in my lifetime, I've seen most of it. By the way of the 16, at least one came from each series from letter through to 66 series, smallest being a Super A and largest being 1066. Having said all of this, I see no good reason why a 63 year old man should stand around in the blazing sun just to see a few old tractors. I used to go for the social aspect, however I find if you get more than 75 miles from home you never run into folks you know anymore. Then you get folks chirping up that directions were great, and I admit they usually are provided you come from the right direction. Problem as I see it, show organizers forget there are usually many directions from which to approach a town. They do tend to over look many of these. Then there is the factor that many of these folks had to have a good time, only way they could justify spending that much money. While some of these guys have been quick to critize you, they forget everyone has to look at tractor show from his own perspective. I tend to search out the guy who has a tractor I want to see, then pay him a visit. You very rarely run across someone who isn't proud to show you his tractor one on one. He knows you came to see his tractor. I ask you, how many of the RPRU exhibitors are going home disappointed as they aren't sure anyone was interested in their tractor? Take Farmall H's for example, bet there was a hundred of them. How many people could look at them all and still remain interested. If they drove an H as many hours as I have about the 3rd one would finish me. You have a good day, threat this like water off a ducks back. Every man has his own interests. You have a right to yours.