I"m just getting my 1941 H back together after doing a whole bunch of work on it (rear axle gaskets, new radiator, carb, belts, etc) and need some advice on a few items1) the water pump seal where the shaft couples to the fan was replaced. It didn"t leak sitting stationary, but it drips a little bit when running. I need to crank down the nut, but getting to it is a real issue. Does anyone know what size wrench fits the nut? unless someone has a magic trick, I"m going to bend a cheap wrench to get there) 2) while running, the engine puffs blue smoke in bursts. it"ll be good for a few seconds, then poof, then everything settles down. I"ve never had an engine run like this. Blue smoke means oil, but I"m just dialing in the carb, so is it a related issue? 3) when I had the radiator cleaned, I also needed a new gasket for the cap but was told it was unavailable. So I made my own. However, I didn"t have a thick enough gasket when I fired up the tractor to seal the cap. Strangely, the water temp gauge never came up until after i shut the engine off, and even then the needle just started to climb into the bottom of the white arc. I ran the engine at power for over a half hour, keeping a handheld IR gun on the engine and cooling system and everything was very cool. There was also no boil off of the radiator coolant. If I add radiator cap gaskets in order to seal the cap tight, am I going the wrong way, or should I leave the system unpressurized?