Harold H
08-03-2005 05:28:35
The High Clear (cane) tractors were completely different from the cotton picker tractors, both H & M. They (HV & MV) were complete from the factory. High Clears had drop housings on the rear axles that were chain drive and thus did not require reversing the transmission to make the tractor go forward. The wide front high clear axle was also standard on the HV and MV. Cotton picker tractors from the factory looked just like the regular H or M except, if they were for high drum pickers they had flange type rear axles (there were very few high drum H tractors), eyes on the clutch and brake pedals, and most had insulated hoods which appeared nothing more than a thick type grey or silver paint under the hood. Low drum cotton picker tractors, both H & M were just like the regular tractor except they had a reversable transmission top and a extra set of reverse shift rails included, as well as the eyes and underpainted hood. Any regular H or M could be made into a cotton picker tractor by changing the rear axle housings to flange housings for high drum or changing the transmission top for low drum. When a picker was mounted you wanted the tractor to run the opposite direction. This was acomplished by flipping the differential and installing the reverse shift rails on the low drum, or by adding the bull gear drop housings on the high drum. To make a high drum tractor that runs forward for show or whatever, you have to combine the flange housings and bull gears of a high drum picker tractor with the reverse transmission top of a low drum picker tractor. Flip the differential, install the reverse top with the reverse shift rails in place, put the bull gears on, install the 7:50 x 20 single front wheel, and you are in business. On the parts books I think I'm right in that cotton picker tractor parts related to the tractor, such as flange housings and reversable transmission tops and shift rails, are in the regular tractor parts book. Parts related to the cotton picker itself shuch as bull gears, are in the cotton picker parts books. Some of the parts may be in both the tractor parts books and the cotton picker parts books. Most one row cotton pickers were mounted at the dealer or on the farm, but they could be purchased new complete already mounted on the tractor from the factory.Harold H