08-15-2005 17:09:08
Re: super w-6 farmall power enhancements in reply to Damon, 08-15-2005 16:21:32
Super series engines in the Farmall are fun to get power out of. They can surprize you with what is possible. Start wit the distributor. There is a mechanical advance under the points plate. 9 out of 10 tractors have this part broken, stuck, or so worn out, the ignition timing becomes erratic. What happens is, the rotor is attached to the advance, the springs, sometimes break, or they get so sloppy, that the rotor will actually float around, back and forth. Usually just cleaning up the mechanical advance and installing a new set of springs will cure this problem, you could replace the old IH springs with a set used from a chevy HEI distributor and pick up some throttle responce. the weights will activate quicker, and change the timing faster upon accleration, the faster the timing activates, the faster the engine can respond to rpm changes. The governor has a high rpm bolt inside the governor, if you can back the bolt out a few turns, that may give you a few extra rpms, if the spring is still in good shape, if the spring has lost some of its tension over the years, replace it with a stiffer spring, that will give you rpm, and speed up the governor responce time, the time it takes for when you open the hand lever, the governor responds and opens the carburator. Even more throttle responce is achived. Usually, the carbs main load jet has to be increased in size, due to the increased speed in which the engine contorls respond, from the factory, they are more less designed to run, and keep fuel economy in mind. All the adjustments mentioned, can yeild you some cheap horsepower. anywhere from 3-8 more hp at 540 pto rpm. Which, is a lot of power in one of these tractors. If you want to get into the engine, run a compression test,, then you can adjust the valve lash, to where you achive peak cyl pressure at cranking speed, sometimes, you can find a low cyl, and bring it back up to par wit hthe others, or, you may find another 10-15psi more hiding in all the cyls, like a small compression boost, by a simple adjustment, if you have an engine that gains 10psi+ on each cyl, you could have another 5 more hp over the adjustments mentioned earlier, you may even have to enlarge the main jet even more after the lash adjustment, more compression, and it may need more fuel, and anytime the engine needs more fuel, it will make more power to run efficient. Hope this helps, ChadS