I'd agree with Allen on this, the only "collectable" unit would be a 1468 or a 1568 series tractor. The twin stacks seem to "arouse" something in most males. The 1206 is pretty good - except that so many where turned up to 150hp+ to run with the big dogs. The transmissions on those tractors just don't stand up that well to heavy feild work over a long duration. We owned one in the 70s and ran it up past 9000 hours before the trannie self destructed - but that could also have been due to the abuse it took with a dozer blade mounted on it. As for the durability of the 66 & 86 series tractors, we bought one (1972/73?) 1466 new that was run up to 16,000 hours on a single overhaul before sold and one (1979) 1486 that is still in the field with 20,000+ hours with two overhauls. Neither of these tractors have (had) a major mechaincal failure. The 86 series cab is a huge leap in operator comfort over the 66 series cab. Problem with the 1066 and 1086 tractors is the same as the 1206, most were turned up to run with the 14s and suffered as a result. My brother has the only 1456 that I have spent any time on, an open station tractor with only 6000+ hours. I've only pulled an 18' disk and a few other lighter impliments behind it. It just doesn't seem to have the meat and bull power that the 1466 and 1486 series tractors have that I have run. But then the 1466 weighs almost 2000 pounds more then a 1456.