Actually, I would say that there are just as many Cubs out there with the 42" mower as there are with the 59" mower, maybe more. In general, a Cub is adequate for the 59" mower, but it does have its limits. If your lawn has many steep hills, you'd be better off with the 42" mower. You could take partial passes on the uphill with the 59" mower, too. Keep the blades sharp, don't let the grass get too high, and the 59" is perfectly fine for most lawns... Fast Hitch is a system for quick-attaching implements to the rear of the tractor. You want a belly-mount mower for best results, not a Fast Hitch mower. The belly-mount mower might need special brackets if your tractor has a Fast Hitch, though. How do you tell if your tractor has a Fast Hitch? Well, does it just have a U-shaped drawbar in back? If so, it doesn't have Fast Hitch. If your tractor has Fast Hitch, it will be obvious. There will be all sorts of linkages and pivots between the rear wheels, a bar running up the left side of the tractor to the hydraulic lift, and a hand crank on the right fender. The main feature of the fast hitch is a single rectangular socket smack dab in between the rear wheels of the tractor that moves up and down when you work the hydraulic lift.