Kevin Bismark
09-09-2005 16:49:29
Re: Confused then more confused in reply to Triker, 09-09-2005 05:38:32
Had some beer come out my nose when I read that one, when they come up to me when I am shopping and they ask if they can help me, I say probably not, but there is a first time for everything, if you got into these places and don"t know what you want to get you can bet they know even less about it than you do. With all the money we spend on education every year and keep increasing it why do the people coming out of school get dumber every year, my grandfather only went to sixth grade and could write better than any teacher I ever had, could do math better than any of them also, fractions, name it, of course every year they always" say that you can"t blame the teachers for the stupid folks, who do we blame, the maintenance people, bus drivers?? Here in Minnesota they are so over funded they are to the point they can"t even waste enough money every year, grief counselors, I have 2 mommies and daddy has a room mate training, all the pregnancy training, 40 assistant superintendents , and vice principals , knocking down $150,000.00 a year with a free car, phone, computer, per-diem, 30 day"s vacation, the St. Paul superintendent was making just short of $200,000.00 with all the hidden perks they managed to pay her, even health club memberships, of course the news papers don"t really bother to report all this stuff, it comes out in bits and pieces, remember there was some state that had started to hire folks to teach and decided to do a test and not hire licensed teachers, they hired a bunch of folks that had worked in the real world for years, you know farmers, electricians, plumbers, you get where I am going, the math and science scores went through the roof, maybe we have to go back to what worked 80 years ago, don"t know how much longer we can afford to keep doing this. If there isin"t a major change we will be a third world country filled with complete morons. Kevin