09-12-2005 21:27:23
Re: 806 wide front conversion...Farmall vs. IH in reply to BarryW, 09-12-2005 13:37:45
Barry, sounds like you're still a little confused. First off, when comparing the Standard tread model (lower picture) to the Row-Crop model (upper picture), forget the term "IH". They're both IH's. Call the Standard tread model "International" and call the Row-Crop "Farmall". This gets a little confusing because some people refer to all tractors made by IH as "International", and some of the later Row-Crops only said "International" on the decals. Just make sure to always specify that your tractor is a Row-Crop. Okay, now, as to which wide front you need, you need one off of a Farmall Row-Crop tractor, like in Chadd's top picture. Wide fronts from 560, 706, 806, 1206, 544, 656, 756, 1256, 1456, 826, 1026, 666, and 686 Farmall Row-Crops will bolt up. You can pretty much not worry about ending up with a wide front off of a International standard tread model, because they are by far outnumbered by Row-Crops. Just tell the salvage yard what you're doing and they'll know what you need.