I'm thinking about taking a few hours off work and going to an equipment auction about 50 miles away tomorrow. It is a once a year auction where a bunch of equipment is brought in and overall it is a 4 or 5 day auction. There are a few tractors that I'm interested in.1967 Farmall 656 L.P.G. Tractor, W.F., 3-pt. 16.9x34 Rubber 1954 Farmall 400 Diesel Tractor, Tricycle Front End, New Battery & Battery Box, Runs Farmall 560 Diesel Tractor Farmall 806 Diesel Tractor, Good Also listed 2 salvage Farmall M's. I tried to link the full list of tractors in the link but for some reason it kicks me out of the post and I'm tired of retyping this post so if you are interested you are going to have find the auction yourself. It is on Farm Auction Guide dot com (all one word). What I'm wondering about is just how this will work. Do I need to show up an hour or so before the 10:00 am start time to look at the tractors I'm interested in and sign up as a potential bidder? Do I need to bring cash and a trailer? The auction is about 50 miles away so I guess I could drive a tractor home if I ended up with one. The tractors I'm interested in are pretty far down the list, could I show up a few hours after the auction starts and not waste a bunch of time watching the $100,000 tractors sell? I'll bring my camera and take pictures of the tractors and post the sale prices if I end up going. Any input or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Nathan