After it's 4 year vacation waiting for me to do a valvejob on it, my F-20's finally getting to stretch her legs a bit. She's in her working clothes yet, and probably will be for quite awhile, since in my opinion(and we all know what those are like) once you've seen one restored to factory condition the next restored one looks just about the same, but when you see them proudly showing all the wrinkles their long life has produced, each is unique and has a distinct personality that they've earned through the years....not saying at all that I don't appreciate a nice resto though!!! As for the pic- For the past couple years I've been mowing the lawn(weeds) around some buildings on a place we bought with our Super A but had to just let the mown stuff lay there since it was too confined an area to get into with any of our "modern" equipment...but now with the F-20 going again I hooked up to our 12ft IH dump rake and drug the hay outta the yard to give the grass a chance next spring. Theres a couple difffernt angles in the tractor photos section of the Galleries too for anyone who'd like a better view of what the Nebraska Sandhills look like this time of year... Thought I might also add that in most of the old-time pics of our area there's usually 3 of these rakes hooked to each F-20/Regular for a total of 36ft give or take of raking width...two are always on homebuilt outriggers with another in the middle...I can scan and post some of these old pics if anyone's interested.....