My '52 Cub oil pressure gauge is consistently pegged as high as it can go. It's been this way since I bought it.While changing the oil for the first time about 2 weeks after I bought the tractor, I drained the used oil, flushed out the filter housing aand oil pan with kerosene, took out the relief valva and spring and cleeaned them, then reinstalled the drain pan plug, the relief valve and spring, the filter housing drain pipe cap, and filled the crankcase with clean kerosene. i started her up and ran her for about 5 minutes with the kerosens, during which time the pressure was indicating at about 1/4 on the gauge. Then I drained the kerosene, filled it up with clean 10W-30 oil and a new filter, and started her up again-the gauge is still pegged. I noticed when I had the pressure relief valve and spring out, that the sides of the spring had a couple of very shiny areas where it had obviously been rubbing, and also that the spring was slightly bent. What should I suspect as the culprit here? The valve? the spring?, The gauge? And am I doing any harm by running her with the pressure pegged at the top of the gauge? Andy