Jak, The good man Bob M and the other gents already have a real good wiring diagram to show ya (or post the link) which Im sure they will post, so I will only add a few basics. No use in re inventing the wheel all over again lol First, I would convert to Negative ground cuz most alternators are for that (if youre using one versus a Generator) and it may be more standard for that Pertronix Ignition, although they may have either in stock. You could still use a Generator at Negative ground (or Positive)provided the ammeter is wired correct and you get a suitable 12 volt VR. Change the charging system..... ..Change the Battery to 12 volts and choose your ground BE SURE IT MATCHES THE PERTRONIX UNIT..... Polarize if you use a Generator..... ....I recommemnd a Pertronoix High Performance 12 volt Coil to match their switch (wire its polarity to match the switch n ground) If you used a 6 volt coil you would need to add an external voltage dropping (12 to 6) Ballast Resistor..... .change any lights to 12 volts..... ..... change ammeter leads as necessary to make it read correct polarity. NOTE 12 volts works on a 6 volt starter but it can be a lil tough on starter drives and/or flywheel teeth due to its high initial kick in touque !!!! If you need more post back, but Im sure the forthcoming wiring diagrams and/or Links to them and the above ought to get you going. Post back if youre using a Generator and what ground you choose. John T, retired electrical engineer