Levi, sorry to say, but the fact that you can "shift" means bupkus, especially since you can't shift into 5th. The shift lever could have slipped out of the shifting rail, leaving the tractor in gear and the lever free to select another gear. If you can let the clutch out with the tractor in neutral, it's not stuck in gear... Even the weakest engine has plenty of poop to move the tractor, so it's not rings or any major internal engine issue. If it was a fuel issue, the engine wouldn't have problems just sitting there. My instincts say you have a problem in the governor. Probably a broken spring. The governor actually controls the throttle plate in the carburetor, based on the load that the engine is seeing. You control the governor with the "throttle lever." Have a friend watch the rod between the governor and the carburetor (left side of engine, governor's in front) while you let the clutch out. It should move to open the throttle plate in the carburetor. I bet it doesn't.