Me, who doesn't know my *ss from a grille from a fender... Thought I could get my governor off my Super A without taking off the radiator. Nope, wouldn't fit. Had to leave it dangling while I took off the radiator.Come in the house to this forum, about two hours too late, to find "Part Man" had written, in my last post (asking about getting off the governor), "If you're careful you should be able to get the governor housing with out the gear, and YES the governor gear IS timed. Not a biggy with a distributer, but esential with a mag". The gear came out while I was fumbling trying to get the governor off with the radiator in. And yes, this gear drives my distributor. Any wisdom about how I get the gears and the distributor in synch again? Dang service manual didn't say squat about marking the gear prior to removal. Hope this isn't a fatal mistake. The governor will have to go to a shop. All kinds of play where the shafts go through the housing, and the main spring is under no tension whatsoever, I can lift it right out of there. Guess it's good I took off the radiator. I need belts and new hoses. Lastly, it's got that "thermo-siphon" system, ie, no water pump. My radiator cap is loose, even fully cranked on. Is it supposed to be that way as part of the 'thermo-siphon' system, or do I need a new cap? Thanks for any help forthcoming. Even from Akmed.