George: That isn't going to work very well I am afraid. I would suggest you take her apart. If you have a stick welder you could weld nuts to the remains of the bolt threads. Then if you have a set of oxy-acetelyne torches, you could gently heat up the bolster and back out the broken bolts. I would be using some Kroil or other real good penetrating oil and let that soak for a day or so to get a good start on it. If you do not have access to a welder, then you might want to consider taking the bolster to a machine shop. Depending on what they will charge and how good the bolster is will determine if you go ahead with this. They may either heat em up and weld nuts to them to take em off or drill em out and re-tap. If you bolster is cracked at all, I would suggest a replacement. As for the front axle tube, I have one that has been welded and performs quite nicely. Depending on what you want to do with the Cub will determine whether you repair or replace the tube. Both the bolster and the tube can be had for reasonable money and are generally readily available from two sources that many of us trust. Check your email ok?