Recap: I have a damaged and unusable clutch release bearing retainer sleeve, which makes my SC clutch faulty. I am doing a complete re-work of the SC clutch mechinism as a result.I have the parts tractor (a Farmall C) split and I see that the part I need to repair my SC clutch, the clutch release bearing retainer sleeve, is pressed into the cross-member inside the torque tube. I have some choices to make here. If I want to use my original SC torque tube, I will need to remove the C torque tube to press out the sleeve. I then will have to remove the SC torque tube to press the good sleeve back into its place. With that being said, wouldn’t you think it would be easier to just leave the sleeve in the C torque tube and do a swap of the torque tubes? Is the C torque tube replaceable with the SC torque tube? I know I will have to switch the hydraulic unit because the C hydraulic unit is different from the SC. Is there anything else different with the C torque tube assembly from the SC that would prevent a transparent swap? It looks the same but I don’t know for sure. Thanks in advance for any information given here.