Back in 1947, (Tells how old i am, don't it?)I gpt a job with Gulf Oil in one of their stations. A man came in with a '40 Chevy coupe, and said "hold on until i open the trunk!" In the trunk he had bolted in a gas tank, and told me to put the gas in there, which i did. I asked him why he used that tank-did the regular one leak? No, he said it was for the gasoline thieves! He told me he could always tell who was stealing his gas, by the neighbor boys' cars broken down along the roads and streets! Said it took them quite a while to figure out how the water got into their gasoline! One time, my neighbor boy decided he liked my brand of gasoline better than the stuff sold down street, so he helped himself to my gas about once a week! Had it all figured out when i would buy gasoline! It worked fairly good for several weeks, until i installed a "set" rat trap inside the gas tank door, and wired it onto an eye-bolt inside! Now, his parents ran the local bar, next door to me, down a long driveway. I'd go there most every night for a brewski and to gab with the other guys. not long after i put in the rat trap, their oldest kid came into the bar with his fingers all bandaged up! I asked him what happened to them, and he said he'd got them caught in a door! HMMM!! My gas stopped disappearing right after that!