I took the advice of many of you fine folks and got my oil pan to stop leaking, plus stopped several leaks on the two inspection panels on the right side, and the hydraulic connections to the pump. Thanks for your suggestions. Started plowing again and when I was through for the day (2 hours) checked out the engine and saw a steady drip coming from the oil filter mounting body where it bolts to the engine. A nice steady stream of oil was running down the engine and dripping off the oil pan lip. When I shut down the engine, the stream stopped, so it is obviously pressure related. This time it wasn't bad enough to lose a quart per 2 hours, and I was just under the full line. Evidently the gasket is shot. This is one of the leakingist tractors on the earth, I would imagine (also, had coolant leaks from the fan packing gland, and the radiator popped several holes, which I got repaired at a shop). BUT, making progress, and after I fix this leak, she should be dry as a bone. Only problem, I am getting sick and tired of removing those hard hydraulic lines to the pump. Messy and requires moving the operators panel, but have done it so many times that it isn't that bad anymore. Thanks for your help! I feel like I'm winning the war.