Hal: I must admit, that opinion on not enough metal to bore was that of the IH dealer, so he may have been a bit biased in his opinion. He did afterall prefer getting 504 to 300 on tradein. We both walked away from this deal happy. He sold the 504 within a month and I had a 300 I could re-sleve without boring. Nice and mild here this morning also, 54 degrees F, been having a run of nice sunny days. It's been warmer than usual for here. I was just out and killed two birds with one stone, so to speak. My drivway is about 400', east side field is lower than drivway, west side field is higher than drivway. Two years ago west side was in corn as it was again this year. Corn stalks from behind combine caused snow to pile in 2' deep two years ago. With corn stalks holding it, just about impossible for 130 to push the snow back. This morning I took Super A with Woods mower and mowed down 12 rows of corn stalks. Those cobs make a lot of noise under the belly mower, plus quite heavy work on the mower, however the corn material cleaned underside of mower deck as though it had been sand blasted. I was dreading cleaning that deck. 30 min. of mowing saved 2 hours of scraping and brushing. Now I'm ready for snow, and it wont hurt my feelings if snow blade gets rusty.