Hi Eamonn, you sure you got all the bolts out? There are usually 2 hidden under the battery box. Then there are usually 4 guide pins, 1 on each side and 2 at the top. These guide pins fit snuggly and can be stuck in the holes. The other thing that can keep it from coming apart is if one of the clutches have worn a grove in the spline shaft. This requires removing the bolts that hold the pressure plate to the flywheel so the clutches stay with the transmission half. The bolts can be accessed thru the inspection hole at the bottom of the bellhowsing.Hope you have the tractor well supported, be sure to wedge a block of wood on each side of the front axle between the axle and the bumper stop to keep the enginge part from rotating when it separates from the transmission part. Another trick I have used to separate the 2 halves is to let both supporting jacks down by 1/4" to 1/2" and this will cause the bellhowsing to separate from the engine block at the bottom, now wedge 2 flat bladed screw drivers in the crack, one on each side of the tractor, then raise the jacks by 1/2" to 1" until a crack appears at the top of the bell howsing, then wedge 2 more screw drivers at the top and lower the jacks again until the gap widens at the bottom. Repeat the procedure until the 2 halves clear the guide pins. If you have a floor jack under the engine part and once the guide pins are clear and with the rear wheels blocked, you can usually roll on the front wheels and the engine part will roll away from rear end. BE CAREFULL NOT to lower or raise the 2 halves to far off center as their is a great stress applied to casting around the guide pins. Do not want to crack casting. BE VERY CAREFULL make sure you have a secondary means of supporting the tractor halves if one of the jacks do slip. We usually make a support out of 4x4s. Good Luck JB2