Hugh: I only posted on your post because your post happened to be germaine as was the post previous. The following were no longer about the same thing. It certainly was not personal. Anyways... You said: I'm truly sorry if I offended you in anyway with my use of the word Nazis. Well, I certainly did not mean to indict you personally either. And I am sorry if I offended you. However I am very, very tired of hearing that word used incorrectly, and there comes a time when errors need to be addressed. Most of the first generation German kids I grew up with felt the same way. It does not describe soldiers, sailors or airmen, it is a perjorative term used by far too many who have no understanding of what the word NAZI means. As stated, it is an abbreviation or a 4 letter acronymn to describe a Political Party. Doesn't anybody get it?? For a supposedly educated peoples, many of us have absolutely no clue as to what the term NAZI meant or means... You also said: Perhaps you should enlighten me as to what those U boats should have been called or better still to whom they belonged. Well quite simply they belonged to the people of Germany, just as our Navy belongs to us! Ahh duhh... oh, I forgot.. those new subs we got from the Brits that like to sink... they belong to Chretien??? Like that is idiotic. Sooo.. how can you say a German U-Boat belongs to Hitler?? It didn't. It belonged to the German Nation as a whole....and just so you know, they were duly commissioned units of the Kriegsmarine.. or the Navy....
Sometimes I wish that I could just be like every body else. My whole life sure would have been simpler..but I can't. I am who I am and I am proud of my heritage and my history. Fortnately my Dad taught me some extremely important lessons about Freedom. MY Dad taught me that to truly understand Totalitarinism, one must first understand what Freedom truly means. He learned it the hard way. A way that no Canadian or American ever had to experience. And why... because of men like my father. Freedom does not mean to hurl epithets at people you don't like.. Freedom means to have the choice to stand up and take a stand, to defend a person's beliefs whether you believe them or not, simply because they have the right to those beliefs. If you do not understand that, how can you understand the removal of that right? So, when you call German soldiers NAZI's you are not insulting me. You ARE insulting my father and thousands like him. And I am sorry, no one has the right to disparage or dishonour my Dad or any other Vet. Those who use that term are disparaging the memory of hundreds of thousands of German soldiers who died trying to defend their homeland from the stupidity of a madman and the ignorance of the Allied politicians who could not nor would not confront Hitler before he became too powerful. Again I go back to what I said earlier : Remember, John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said that If you do not know where you have been, you cannot understand where you are, and you will never figure out where you are headed. History is important... It is unfortunate that we cannot learn from our mistakes... and that we are doomed to repeat them over and over and over again.....