Mark, IFFFFF FF its a cutout relay system and ASSUMING the relay you have is REALLY a Cutout Relay (NOT a VR, it has 2 or 3 internal relays while a cutout relay has but one) first make sure its BAT side always reads hot battery voltage and that its Gen side is wired to the Gennys Arm post. The genny cant ever get to n charge the battery unless it has a path to it and thats from its Arm post,,,,, ,to and through a closed cutout relay (closes when gennys voltage exceeds that of the battery),,,,, ,,,,to and through a continuous ammeter,,,,, ,,,to the battery, often via the big lug on the starter switch. INSURE THERES A GOOD WIRE FROM THE GENNYS FIELD POST UP TO THE LIGHT SWITCH AND THE SWITCH IS GOOD N HAS A GOOD TO FRAME GROUND!!!! (see below) cuz if not she wont work right !!! Polarize the genny and insure that before going, maybe thats all the problem????? ????? Check that wiring FIRST and insure the relays BAT terminal ALWAYS reads battery voltage which shows it wired and the ammeter is continuous. Next insure the genny has a good ground, if in doubt run a wire from the grounded battery post direct to it n try her. Make sure the belt is good n tight. Its possible shes charging but the ammeter isnt registering??? If you turn the ligths or ignition on not running, does it swing over to - discharge?? it should. If shes charging the battery voltage should rise from 12.6 to 13 and over (half that on 6 volt) at RPM and/or the light glow noticeably brighter from idle to wide open, does yours??? Once you have insured the wiring,,,,, ,,BAT side of relay is hot,,,,, ,,gennys grounded,,,,, ,,belts tight,,,,, ,,,wire from gennys Field to light switch is good, do the following to isolate if its a genny or a relay or wiring problem..... ..... ..... ALSO it takes a good battery capable of accepting a charge you know, IS THE BATTERY GOOD????? 1) With her running at RPM dead ground the gennys Field post to case n see if she charges then???? If so but NOT otherwise, its a bad wire from genny to light switch or light switch is bad or not well grounded..... ..... .... 2) If still no charge even with Field dead grounded, leave it grounded n temporarily by pass jump around the relay by wiring its BAT to its GEN terminals. If it charges then but NOT otherwise, the relay is bad or not wired right or not grounded. Some relays are bi polar and work at either pos or neg ground simply by swappinG wires, others may not. IS YOUR RELAY FOR A POS GROUND TRACTOR AND YOU STILL AT POS??? 3) If she still dont charge with the Field grounded n the relay by passed, its either a wiring problem or the genny isnt working!!!! 4) Try the motor test to see if the genny motors??? SUMMARY Check polarity n be sure the relay is compatible with your ground,,,,, ,,,,,polarize the genny,,,,, ,,,,,insure BAT on relay is always hot,,,,, ,,,,insure a good genny ground,,,,, ,,insure battery is capable of taking a charge,,,,, ,,,,, ,try the voltae checks to see if she really charging even if the ammeter is stuck,,,,, ,,,,,run the Field ground and relay by pass tests to see if its a relay or light switch or wiring to light switch problem OR A FAULTY GENNY. Post back your findings n results n any questions Good luck n God Bless John T, retired electrical engineer in Indiana