First of all forget about the ignition switch and voltage regulator for now. These affect only spark and generator operation when the motor is running - no way can a bad switch or regulator problem cause a "no crank" condition! A few things to check: 1 - Are you CERTAIN your battery is good, and is fully charged? If not you're chasing your tail doing anything else trying to figure out the problem... 2 - When you replaced the battery cables did you thoroughly clean (ie. clean down to bare metal) the mating surfaces between the grounded cable terminal and the tractor frame, and between the ungrounded cable terminal and the starter switch post? Use emery cloth or a file and make these surfaces SHINE! Then thoroughly tighten all the connections. Also make sure both the battery posts and insides of the battery cable clamps are clean (shiney, bare metal), and the clamps tightened thoroughly. 3 - Could be you've got a worn out starter switch (it happens a lot). If the switch is mounted directly on the starter, remove the switch then use a jumper cable from the ungrounded battery post to the copper contact button on the starter (expect a large spark when you make contact!) If the starter now spins, replace the switch. But if you get a spark but no spin, or if you get no spark at all, you've got a jammed or worn out starter. Time for a visit to your local starter/alternator shop.