jason: The blade Dave speaks of will be hard to find, mainly as not a lot of new tractors were sold with snow blades. I suggest you save the effort and either fabricate or buy something suitable. Does your 230 have one hydraulic valve or two. It can be equiped with two valves and they are rather easy to find. That same valve was used on numerous IH tractors, all the way from 300 to 560. The big tractors all used that valve. I have seen a 230 with two hydraulic valves with a plow off a pickup mounted out front. One valve was used to lift and the other to power angle the blade. You just need a drop frame below front axle, make sure it is supported or braced to rear axle cariers, this reduces shock load on tractor castings. You can also do a complete fabrication along the same lines as pickup blade. The 72 blade Dave speaks of and the 60 used on SA, 130, etc were same basic design. The model numbers really just designate the blade width in inches. That design also is not a lot different from pickup blades. If you notice today, there are a lot of blades on big tractors, and I mean 100 hp plus 4x4, same idea as the pickup blade. There are a few of them around here doing shopping mall parking lots, some of them with 16' to 20' wide blades. I expect you can buy one just right size for 230. These blades are being made for lawn and garden tractors, thus I would think everything in between. They are an aftermarket blade, porobably more than one of them, but all are adaptable to most tractors. If you wish to see blades go to tractor photos, type in C, SC, 200, 230, etc. you will find some with blades Even take a look at the offsets, may give you some ideas. Look in photo adds there is a pickup blade in MI for $100.