Hi everyone, I have an opportunity to buy a Farmall C and several implements (2 sickle mowers, 2 disc plows, 8 disc harrow, spring harrow, cultivators, and more) from my cousin who has Alzheimer's disease. His wife recently passed away and their son will be auctioning everything off soon, but he don't know the value of Farmalls. He said I was welcome to buy whatever I need before the auction. The tractor looks to be in fairly good condition, other than surface rust. Looks like it's been sitting (on carport) for many years. The sheet metal is pretty good. The hood is perfectly straight and the grill only has a couple bent bars, and I didn't notice anything missing - other than the seat (now has bassboat seat). I want to be honest with the deal (fair prices), but don't know what to offer on many of the implements. The equipment is located in Tennessee. So,.... if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on this I'd really appreciate the feedback. I want to keep the tractor in the family and may restore it. Merry Christmas to all!