If the tractor is as good as you say, then $10,000. is reasonable, providing it's diesel. You can't buy a new tractor with that kind of credentials anymore. I owned, and this was back when they were new, 300, 560D and 656D. There is not a better 9' haybine or baler tractor out there than 656, 666 or 686. My neighbor had a MF-135, and they were an agile, very manuverable little tractor. He used to call my 656 an ark. I said, " that may well be, but the 656 is just as agile and manuverable as your 135 plus I can pull 4 and 5 bottom 16" plows". Make sure tractor is diesel, that kind of power in a gasser will be a heavy drinker. You can also spend that kind of dollars rebuilding most tractors in that hp class. You know what dealer is telling you, let him put his money where his mouth is and give you a warrenty. You will enjoy many many years of service from this tractor. If I were going farming and needed 65 hp, I wouldn't hesitate putting $15,000 or $20,000. into a 656D, 666D or 686D, that would give you like new quality. Casey said Allan has more than $10,000 in his tractor, don't be surprised if he is approaching my figure.