Paul in Mich
12-23-2005 06:55:14
Re: Merry Christmas to one and all in reply to Hugh MacKay, 12-23-2005 02:08:44
Hugh, A very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year to you and yours. I would also wish everyone here who gather at these forums the same. It has been a very busy year for me and my family, and as such I haven"t spent as much time here on the Y.T. site as I had in the past, but I hope to get back to being more of a presence, as I have missed you guys and gals immensly. While the farming operation kept me pretty busy this past year along with another part time job (which I need like a hole in the head), I have also been preoccupied with the health issues of the Missus. That had left me with little time to mingle amongst you fine folks here, except for a few sporatic visits to the site. The Missus is progressing fine, and what began as a nightmarish set of circumstances is now becomming very promising and positive. She still has a series of radiation treatments to undergo, but the progosis is good, and she has been deemed for the time being as cancer free. I haven"t shared all this with anyone here but you, Hugh, but for all those who read the post now are made aware of some of what is going on in Mid-Michigan these days. Our family is approaching this Christmas season with much hope and more thanks and gratitude that anyone can imagine. I know our greatest gift has been the healing powers of the Almighty, and the prayers of so many friends and neighbors. I have to say that a miracle has taken place, and my family has been the big beneficiary. My tractors have been sort of dormant for most of the year, but I do plan to get out to the shop and play a lot more in the comming year. This year was to be my last at farming, but it looks more and more like i"ll do it again for at least one more year if the old body holds up. Three of us farmed 3,500 acres, except for an added combine operator and sometime truck driver during the harvest. Its a lot for a 67 yr old geezer, but thats what happens to a guy who is an absolute failure at retirement. To wish you all the best for the Holidays and the forthcomming year is an understatement, as I have been made aware that some blessings are far greater than anything we can imagine here on earth. Peace to all, Paul in Mich