Don, When I was a boy, I grew up movin' and changin' IH wheels as many as 6 times a season on four tractors because we used different configurations of the same tractor on different tasks on the farm. As such, I've learned quite a few little tricks and shortcuts over the years on how to handle these buggers. Plus I've got some special tools that I use to make quick work out of this nasty job. However, I gotta agree with John D on this one! If you aren't used to wrestlin' these rascals, don't do it like I do because they are very, very heavy, they are totally lop-sided weight and if you don't know how to handle them and if you don't know how to make 'em "walk and talk", they will get away from ya and things will go wrong in a big way. The correct way is to block up that rear end with some bridge planking to make sure the tractor is secure and then use a crane or loader of some sort to remove the wheel/rim/tire. Even then, you've really got to be careful! Use a wire brush or some such thing to clean the axle, then give it a good bath of engine oil before putting on the new seal. Biggest risk is cutting that new seal on the lip of the axle groove. Don't forget to replace the o-ring in the retainer as well. I've got to replace my front end pivot bolster, but I'm not even gonna show you guys how I do that. I'd probably have heart attacks poppin' up all over the country! :>) Allan