Brad: It's never been a matter of looks for me, but rather use and safety. My dad bought a new 300 in 55, of course those had the double bead rims. He told the dealer he wanted the tractor on 72" wheel tread, and with the double bead rims that can be achived either way, dished in or out. Dealer took the easy route and left them dished in, set hubs at end of axles and adjusted the bead setting to suit. Several years later we put about a 20% twist in one rear axle on a heavy pull. Think about what could happen if an axle broke off. Since that time I've run all Farmalls with wheels dished out and on 72" centers. These high tractors are so much safer on 72" wheel tread. 30" corn rows really didn't matter a whole lot, as one could plant 30" rows with 72" tread and stay off the row. By the time 30" rows came along we were no longer cultivating corn over 6" high anyhow. I did have my 560 and 1066 set at less than 72" for the inside tires, however the duals were never off those two. Forget the looks, this is all about tractors stability and your safety. I said to think about consequences if axle broke completely off. There was discussion on here about 3 years back, man was killed breaking one of those rear axles in 4th gear, tractor went down, wheel fell against operator and crushed him. Most of these axles are now 50 years old, and to some degree metal fatigue will be setting in. Dish your wheel out and set it close to axle housing, we want you to ask more questions in the future.