Assuming you're the one who also made the other post asking the same question- both posts have recieved several responses telling you that moving round bales with a loader, especially on a small tractor, is deadly. None of them appeared to go into the reasons why, so in case you're wondering what could be so dangerous about picking up a round bale with a loader, here's a couple of the most common things. 1. People attempt to lift the bales high to stack them or for whatever reason and something breaks or the bale comes loose and rolls backwards down the loader arms onto the operator. ROP's(roll over protection structures, "roll bars" for your tractor, can help with this, but I still wouldn't wanna be sitting there when a bale decided to come loose. 2. With all that weight up front, the rear tires loose traction, and more importantly, the higher you lift it, the more unstable the tractor becomes due to the center of gravity going up. This can make rollovers happen MUCH easier than any kind of normal operation. Best bet if you have bales to move is- use the biggest tractor you can, make sure it has enough added ballast in the rear to somewhat balance out the weight of the bale, and, above all else, keep that bale as close to the ground as you can at all possible times. NEVER raise a bale any higher than you have to to accomplish the task at hand. And a final thought, make sure when you get a loader that it's a good solid peice, not a cobbled-together mess of rusty iron.