Jim, as you can tell I enjoy your comments. What you just stated brings to mind an ongoing friendly disagreement I have with a gentleman I respect who is a retired physicist. My argument in a nutshell (regarding your comment about opening the plug gap) is that the coil can only absorb and store a certain finite measureable amount of energy while the points are closed and its conducting current. Thennnnn n after the points open and the coil/condensor ringing takes place, the ONLY AMOUNT OF ENERGY THAT CAN POSSIBLY BE EXPENDED ACROSS THE PLUGS GAP (Volts x Amps x Time) is that energy stored, minus the heat and energy transfer losses. Thats indisputable per the laws of thermodynamics and conservation of energy principles. Thereforeeeee eee I say that, as theres no free emergy and we cant create or destroy it, simply change its form, if you do things like widen the plug gap (which increases the voltage required to arc current across its gap) there MUST BE A TRADE OFF and balance, like less current or less arc duration time. I agree widening the gap (to some limited increase) can imporove performance, but I dont see it as a miracle cure by any means, nor do I get the impression you would either. IM JUST SAYING that if you change the gap, either the curent or arc time duration MUST CHANGE. Sooooo ooo I guess the engineerign question is to figure out what combinations of voltage and current and arc time duration provides the best combustion initiation????? ????? If you figure its heat, then a wider plug gap at lower current may not be as effective as a shorter gap and more current (or time). However, if you figure a wider plug gap yields more arcing current "surface area" (even at lower temperatures) and you think thats a better combustion initiator, then the wider gap may be better to initiate combustion. I consider an arc of current as a sudden release and conversion of electrical energy in the form of heat and light. If a blue spark is of higher temperature then a yellow spark, I see how n why the blue spark is the goal we try to achieve. Im getting lost here lol I have a Lions Club Meeting soon so gotta run, you got any thoughts on the above Jim????? ????? or Bob or anyone else??? Take care yall, John T, just an old sparky