Mark: I personally would advise going with SA, 100, 130 or 140, basically because they all have hydraulics. I know the Cub has hydraulics as well the but there is a vast difference between the Cub and the rest of the pack. Every implement that was ever designed for any of SA, 100, 130 or 140 will fit all of them. The exception being fast hitch implements, but the fast hitch itself can be installed on any of these tractors. I would personally look for one with a fast hitch as that hitch is far superior to any 3 point you can install on these tractors. Make note of that, "I said any 3 point you can install on these tractors, not any 3 point hitch." Yes I agree these tractors are expensive compared to much larger tractors. It's a clear case of supply and demand. Lets face it, you can store them anywhere the building is 10'long, 7'wide and 7' high, little more if you have implements. I was also allowing room to walk around the tractor. They are very economical to operate and with good maintainence will run for years and years. I have in the past made the prediction that an operating Super A will outlast man on this planet. I have 3 of these tractors, a Super A, 130 and 140 and roughly 18 implements to fit the tractors. My plows and disk harrow are factory IH 1 point fast hitch. The mid mount cultivators are factory IH, but ground working tools have been changed to modern S tines. I have 2 planters, 1 sprayer and a rotary hoe all modified 3 point implements changed to 1 point fast hitch. I have 3 cultivators, platform carrier, a bed shaper all 1 point fast hitch and all fabricated from the ground up. If you would like some photos send me an e mail. I can also tell you all the things I've done wrong and had to change over the past 45 years. Probably the single biggest mistake was fabricating a 3 point hitch and trying to use 3 point implements as 3 point on these tractors. Only one problem, the ideas I can put in your head can cost $10,000. over night. If you were to ask me what I have invested in my 3 tractors and 18 implements it would scare you. I don't even look since it crossed the $30,000. mark. Will I ever get it back? Only if my children want them.