1950 Farmall Super A with remote hyd, wheel wts., split rockshaft, A-144 cultivators, A-189 1 btm 2 way plow, 10A disk, A-178 planter & A -61-A fert att., A-23 mower, Woods 6 foot under belly mower, 2 sliding drawbars, buckets of tools and seed plates, original toolkit and hardware. Tractor completly restored. Everything stripped to bare steel and cast, new epoxy primer and MTK paint. New gaskets everywhere (except rear engine main), Rebuilt touch control, re-cored radiator, blueprinted oil pump, re-worked govoner housing, re-bushed rt. brake, all new fluids, all guards there, decals, new rubber, new rear rims, deluxe seat, total cost, $3,205.00. What do you think? Good deal? What a GREAT little machine and attachments for my acre and a half garden and 16 acre farm. Might just sell the Fords and Deere's off. Can someone tell me where I send the bill for the $5,000.00 of labor? I had a blast restoring this thing. I am amazed at how these old units are built to last. I wonder how todays tractors will fare after 56 years. Thanks for everyones help on this forum! I'll post some pics later next week. Thanks Again, scott#2