dave from MN
01-25-2006 13:11:13
Just gotta vent here for a minute. but 1st always make sure equip you work on is powered dorn and locked out !OK here goes, 25 year old brother in law has been going down hill financially since he met his pretty, h*rny, spoiled dont wanna work, girlfreind. Well Monday I sat down and went through his finances with him. He is at least $18000 in debt.Rents an apartment (no equity there), $11000 of which are personal loans to bail out this girl that spends and spends yet dont work. As of Monday he had to pay $350 to replace the petro pump in his truck and had only $500 to his name. Basically as of then 78% of his income is ate up by monthly payments. That aint including gas, food, and living exp. I have been preaching to him for 8 months to get that saving built up for an emergency. He always talks tough but never makes this chick share in his pain and expenses to keep her housed. Well now I get a call from her, my favorite person, that the ol brother in law had an accident at work last night, just got of finger surgery and now has a shortened finger or two, the only one that thing on his one hand that is any use for about the next 6 weeks will be his thumb. So here he sits no cash, behind on his bills, and no real paycheck for some time, and of course this girl that still aint got a darn job. This is a guy that always had cash in savings, paid on loans early, didnt buy it if he didnt need it, and after 1 year with this girl is totally screwed and just says " but I love her". Sooooo do I borrow him money to help him out, which would only go to loans that are for her any way, or do I say NO and let him learn a very hard lesson and probably lose his boat,truck, ATV, and who knows what else he put up for this chick. Any one been there????