Bob has a point if it's that bad of shape to begin with, might be smart to find another. If you go ahead with this one, the C engine block would swap right in and give you the same sleeve and piston options that your current 230 block has (both are the smaller 3-5/16" lower sleeve opening). The 3-1/8" Tisco overbore sleeve and piston kit is very similar to the firecrators in a 140/240, just a lttle lower dome height and dome(s) more squared off looking. Keep your head, manifold, air cleaner, distributor and governor to use with the new block in any case and you will maintain your power. The Super C/100/200 block would allow you to go the 3-1/4" pistons, but the are a lower compression height and just a rectangular step head (with a reduced height compared to the 3-1/8" kit) rather that the design that somewhat copies the firecrator. It's a trade off with a little less compression, but 10 extra cu inches. The 140/240 block is not a direct replacement because of the front of the block. It is possible but you would need the block, all the accesories(water pump, fan, generator at least), and the radiator with brackets from a 140. Poss some other stuff I'm forgetting at the moment? Stan(VA).