Randy: I have two 12 volt batteries here, they don't anymore than 3/4 fill an original IH 6 volt battery box, and what a wallop those little batteries put out. They are heavy little brutes for the size of them. One came from CaseIH and the other from one of the big dept store chains. In my opinion these two little batteries came out of the same factory, and probably the chain store sold theirs new for 10% less. What I like about these little batteries, you can put spacers around them in the IH box, thus keeping the terminals away from edge of battery box. I have a new NAPA battery in my Farmall 130, and I don't like it as terminals are within 1/8" of battery box edge. Too damn close in my opinion. I have this new little CaseIH battery in the 140, same box size as 130 or factory H. It turns the same little C-123 engine over much faster than that big NAPA battery. The other small battery is currently in my V6 Buick. Now I've never been much of a fan of little batteries, thinking, big is better and one only gets what he pays for. I do remember the little CaseIH battery was about $15. less than that big NAPA battery. I'm impressed with these little batteries, never a hitch all winter. My son tells me he had the little battery currently in my Buick, in his Ford Escort for two years before he junked the Escort. That battery has now been in the Buick about a year, don't ask why, it wasn't mama that left the lights on.