Paul - In our area it is required by law that anyplace selling motor oil must accept and turn over to a recycler used motor oil. Some the "big box" retailers set a reasonable daily limit (typically 3 or 5 gallons). But for the average person it's not a problem. I collect/store my used oil in covered 5 gallon plastic buckets. When I get several filled up I take 'em to the Advance Auto parts store in town and empty them out. ---- While on the subject of spills, back in the early 70's a train wreck near here ruptured a tank car carrying petroleum solvent. 18,000 gallons of the stuff spilled but quickly "disappeared" into the ground at the wreck site and was soon forgotten. Fast forward 30 years. The solvent began showing up in drinking water for a village whose municipal wells are located nearly 5 MILES from the wreck site. The bloom of solvent had travelled that far thru the water table since it had been spilled. The village is now scrambling to somehow purify the solvent-tainted well water or secure an alternate water supply from someplace else. Whatever the solution it's gonna cost a lot of people a lot of $$$. Unfortunately the railroad responsible for the wreck went backrupt and was abandoned in the mid-70's. So there's no corporate entity for the townspeople to go after to help pay to correct the problem. ----- Like you Paul I'm not a tree hugging, granola munching, "greenie" either. However the reality is we gotta keep stuff like waste oil, antifreeze, etc. out of the ground. Stuff if dumped like might not show up in our water for 5, 30, 100 years or longer. But sooner or later it will....