CNKS: I can very much understand you dad's situation, those old letter series mounted implements were a pain in the butt. However I think IH was following customer demand when they introduced the Super C fast hitch close to 3 years ahead of the other models. Those were the customers looking for mounted equipment in volume, and that Super C was exactly what IH needed in a utility version to compete with Fergie and Ford. I know in our area all row crop work at that time was being done by Cubs, A, SA, C or SC. I know on our own farm we never had any mounted equipment for our H or 300. I did buy a 3 point kit for 560 but only to use a 3 point sprayer and corn planter. Now, ours was a dairy farm, but my dad always grew a few vegetable crops and use Cub and later 130 for that work. Even after the 300 and 400 came out, fast hitch never did catch on in our area for any of the 2 point large fork tractors. Those guys were using trailer plows, disks, cultivators, etc. and never did change their equipment until the early 1960s. By then fast hitch was passe. IH did sell large numbers of Super C, 200 and 230 with fast hitch mowers, plows, planters, row crop cultivators, platform carriers. Most livestock farmers mowed with SA or SC and their descendants until mower conditioners hit the market. Row crop cultivators almost disappeared with the introduction of chemicals. My guess is on the modern day Cat II or larger with 3 point hitch. That hitch probably represents 10% of the cost of the tractor, and other than semi-mounted plows how often are the hitches even used. With no till, very little.